- Case Study -
In partnership with the City of Greensboro and the Greensboro Transit Authority (GTA), Keolis Evolve identified the true mobility needs in the region and evaluated how well GTA’s current transit service meets those needs.
GTA can now take the proposed changes and further investigate improving connections to a frequented area, new service to the airport, and changes to existing routes that will better fit demand while decreasing travel time.
In January 2019, Keolis began operating the Greensboro Transit Authority’s (GTA) fixed-route bus and paratransit services.
In partnership with the city of Greensboro and the GTA, we determined mobility trends in the community to find the best opportunities for growth.
We concluded several key findings surrounding travel times and impact on demand.
For example, we found that on several routes, transit trips took many times longer than personal auto trips.
This, alongside other insights, provided the data needed to find the most promising opportunities for service improvements.
Keolis Evolve partnered with GTA to analyze mobility demand and mode usage, travel breakdowns, and major trip generators. Key findings included:
trips taken each weekday regardless of mode
trips taken each weekend regardless of mode
average daily trips taken per resident on weekdays